Since our tickets got everyone down low, Melissa stayed with me in the handicap area due to me not being able to walk. I ended up sleeping through some of it due to me not feeling too good. :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
October 3, 2009
Since our tickets got everyone down low, Melissa stayed with me in the handicap area due to me not being able to walk. I ended up sleeping through some of it due to me not feeling too good. :)
October 2, 2009
September 28, 2009
September 27, 2009
At this point it was nothing but the waiting game til I could go home. :) I spent a lot of time watching TV and talking to my mom. I slept here and there but it was not that easy.
September 26, 2009
September 25, 2009
September 24, 2009
September 23, 2009
When breakfast came around all I wanted to do was eat! However I was only allowed to have ice chips!!!!! What?! ICE CHIPS!!! It was the worst 3 meals for the day EVER.
Since I had to be on oxygen due to my pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and pleurisy I had to be checked every hour. My heart rate had to be monitored as well as my oxygen levels. At one point my heart rate was so low I was on watch. Normally your heart rate should be about 80... mine was 40. Yeah, not good!
My CNA and nurse both came in at one point and said todays task was to get out of bed and walk. Um... How was I going to do that with a numb leg?! Yeah I knew I was not going to be able to do that at all. So when Kaylee and Devin came back in for me to get out of bed, I knew this was going to be interesting!!!! My dad had to help as I tried to move my right leg. I literally couldnt!!!! All three of them had to help my move less then a foot to the chair. Walking, not possible!!! hahaha I sat in the chair for about 30 mins but then I had to get back in bed. Atleast I got out of bed!
One thing I will admit to though, it is the best to have a catheter. It doesn't hurt at all and I didn't have any sensation to get up and go to the bathroom. It was so wonderful. Anyways....
I was on so much pain meds I would pass out right in the middle of texting and changing the channel. At one point, Kaylee came in and I had passed out ending on the channel with Barney. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Emily and Richard came to visit me. It was cool to have them both come to see me. :) I loved having them there!!!!! Richard drew me something on the white board to cheer me up and loved the hospital gloves. I was suppose to take a box for him, but I forgot!!!! OOPS!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
September 22, 2009 Surgery Day!
September 21, 2009
September 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
September 5, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
September 4, 2009
September 3, 2009
I was not really sure what to expect in this appointment nor did I know how the doctor was going to be. Talking with him about the options and things that would need to be done I felt such a peaceful and calm feeling about Dr. Jolles. After reading through my chart he was particularly drawn to my appendix rupturing when I was 12. He said that when the appendix ruptures the fluid can create tumors on the ovaries which is exactly what happen to me. He started to write out the options I could do until the surgery notes were faxed in. Once he read that the tumor ruptured as it was being removed his plan of attack changed! He was concerned that since there was cancer within the tumor which suffocated my ovary he would need to do exploratory surgery in order to rule out the possibility of the cancer cells embedding themselves elsewhere.
At this point I was pretty speechless while he was telling me everything. My grandma was actually the one asking all the questions and getting the info since I didn't know what to say or do. The end result was SURGERY... AGAIN!!! Jolles said he would need to take biopsies of my organs and tissues and whatever needed to be done! Honestly, I was sad, upset, calm, confused, and happy all in one. The reason I say happy is because I felt that Jolles was a very good doctor. He is one of the only doctors in the state that specializes in female cancer like mine. He had such a caring and composed nature about him that I felt very confident.
After the appointment I called my family to let them know the verdict and start to get things worked out for my next surgery. My grandma and I went to Paradise Bakery in Bountiful to eat dinner. FYI, Paradise is SO GREAT!!! Joshua Allen introduced me to it and I have been there a couple times since, I LOVE IT!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Catch up post!!!
I went in for my 3 weeks check up after surgery in which I thought it was just going to be one of those look at the scar and everythings ok deal. I had lost a total of 22 pounds at this point and was feeling great.. but...NOPE! Such was not the case. Dr. Johnasson walked in and put my scar on the table and said, "Well, I'm going to need to talk to you about your pathology results." I thought to myself... ok great, lets talk about it! Well much to my surprise she said I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I was so numb at the very moment that all I could think to say to her was, "Well damn, now what?!" I never expected to go into the doctor and come out with that type of news so I didn't know what to do. She went on to tell me that it was found in the tumor that was removed and she had already set up an appointment with me to the a female cancer specialist in SLC, Dr. Christopher Jolles. According to her, my right ovary looked fine and she was not worried at all. Julia was not sure what Jolles was going to say or have me do but at this point my situation was out of her hands.
I didnt know what to do and the emotions where numb at this point. As soon as I got out to my car I could not hold back any tears. I had just heard that dreadful C word I never thought I would ever hear!! I called my mom and she didnt answer so I called my dad. I could barely make any words out to tell him what I had just been told. I remember him saying, "Oh hun, I am so sorry!!! What does this mean now? Dont worry you will be fine and we will get through this together!!" After talking with my mom and dad I sent work an email and told them what I had just found out and I would not be able to make it in the office. I was not able to talk to anyone at this point because I knew I would just start crying. My mom, that great person that she is, called my grandma Nebeker and she drove down to Ogden from Brigham City and took me out to lunch. We talked a little bit about what I had just been told and where I was going to go from there.
I really had no other answers until my appointment with Jolles the 3rd of Septemeber