Tuesday, October 27, 2009

September 23, 2009

These things on my legs massaged my calves the whole time while in bed. It was great. They were to prevent blood clots!

I didn't sleep very well the night of my surgery. I felt so weird because of the anesthesia and my right leg was totally numb. I knew in my head that I was touching my leg but it felt as though my leg was HUGE and could not feel a thing!!!!!

I had this nurse come in that was so happy EARLY in the morning. I mean it was like 7AM!!!! She comes in and says her name is Kaylee and that she was going to be my nurse for the day. I could already tell that she was going to be a fun nurse to have. My CNA was Devin and he was way cool!!!!

When breakfast came around all I wanted to do was eat! However I was only allowed to have ice chips!!!!! What?! ICE CHIPS!!! It was the worst 3 meals for the day EVER.

Since I had to be on oxygen due to my pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and pleurisy I had to be checked every hour. My heart rate had to be monitored as well as my oxygen levels. At one point my heart rate was so low I was on watch. Normally your heart rate should be about 80... mine was 40. Yeah, not good!

My CNA and nurse both came in at one point and said todays task was to get out of bed and walk. Um... How was I going to do that with a numb leg?! Yeah I knew I was not going to be able to do that at all. So when Kaylee and Devin came back in for me to get out of bed, I knew this was going to be interesting!!!! My dad had to help as I tried to move my right leg. I literally couldnt!!!! All three of them had to help my move less then a foot to the chair. Walking, not possible!!! hahaha I sat in the chair for about 30 mins but then I had to get back in bed. Atleast I got out of bed!

One thing I will admit to though, it is the best to have a catheter. It doesn't hurt at all and I didn't have any sensation to get up and go to the bathroom. It was so wonderful. Anyways....

I was on so much pain meds I would pass out right in the middle of texting and changing the channel. At one point, Kaylee came in and I had passed out ending on the channel with Barney. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Emily and Richard came to visit me. It was cool to have them both come to see me. :) I loved having them there!!!!! Richard drew me something on the white board to cheer me up and loved the hospital gloves. I was suppose to take a box for him, but I forgot!!!! OOPS!!!

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